My interests

I am an honors sophomore finance major at Temple University. Along with finance, I am interested in law, and am exploring a double major or minor in the subject. I am interested in many facets of finance, two of them being stocks and bonds. I am always interested in learning more about finance. I yearn for new opportunities or experiences which will help me strengthen my skills. Outside of school, I enjoy fitness, being outdoors, sports, and traveling.

3 Responses to My interests

  • Hi Colin, I also find both finance and law to be very captivating. Both fields have many career opportunities, which is great while we are figuring out our professional interests. It is really cool that you are exploring these opportunities and maybe even developing an understanding of a potential career trajectory.

  • Hey Colin, I also really enjoy being outdoors and traveling. It would be cool if you double majored in finance and law because there are some interesting career paths you could take.

  • Hey Colin, we share the same skills in design. I hope to you combine finace deign together.

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