My Interests

I’m currently invested in accounting, people, and my education. I spend the majority of my free time reading classics, playing basketball, or meeting new people and expanding my circle. I like to learn and am not afraid to ask questions when I  do not know something. I’m generally always hopeful to pick up more skills, and after learning something I am generally very capable in supporting and leading people in the same field. I also listen to a wide variety of music and on an unrelated note do not run from competition or new ideas.

One Response to My Interests

  • Hey Colin! I like how you wrote about learning, not being afraid to ask questions, and not running from competition or new ideas. These are principals that I am trying to implement in my personal and professional life, as I think it is the best way to make connections and oppourtunites to be successful. Best of luck learning new things and I’m looking forward to working together!

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